October 3rd 2011 – Committee Meeting

Hi folks, the minutes from the first committee meeting can be viewed here. Largely the meeting was about nailing down our relationship with the factors. We agreed that the parking issue was worth a proper discussion, so due to time constraints we pushed that discussion to the next meeting, to be held in early November.

So, I’d like to ask again – if there is a specific area you think would benefit from double yellow lines being painted on a non-adopted section, or a bollard as was suggested, please get in touch with me, or the committee with the details so we can discuss it.

On a more general note, we have a website in place now: sinclairresidents.org.uk, which will serve as the committee’s way of communicating with the entire development, and we hope to flesh it out with more information on what is going on right now, as well as the history of the development as context for new proprietors. If you have any requests for what you’d like to see up there (or even better, content to contribute), again, please contact the committee.

The mailing containing the minutes from September’s general meeting will be sent out soon, hopefully, those who would like to read the contents in advance can do so here.

September 14th 2011 SGM – Committee Appointments

Just a note to thank everyone for attending last night, and to let others know the outcome. We had a great turnout, with 33 properties represented in person, and a further 11 properties represented by proxy, well in excess of the 35 properties we needed to reach quorum. The motion to instate a committee was passed with no votes against and one abstention, so we now have a properly formed committee with a very strong mandate to do its work. There were some minor revisions to the constitution wording agreed at the meeting, but nothing which ostensibly changes the role or responsibility of the committee, or the way it would function.

The committee members appointed at the meeting were:
  • Chris Chapman – representing 32 SP – Chair
  • Barry Moore – representing SG – Secretary
  • Chris Hutton – representing 27-29 SP – Treasurer
  • Colin Douglas – representing SC
  • Richard Simpson – representing 1-2 SP
  • Rosina Weightman – representing the town-houses
  • Alan Eccles – representing 18-20 SP
  • Bob Buchanan – representing 3-6 SP
  • John Fox – representing 24-26 SP
  • Stuart Hamilton – representing 30-31 SP
And they’ll serve until the January AGM. In the meantime we have enough people to serve as a functional committee, so we’ll crack on. We’ll always be willing to listen to concerns or suggestions that would help us know what to focus our efforts on. Equally, we’ll be updating everyone here on the progress of discussions amongst the committee.
In the meantime I’d just like to thank everyone who contributed time and support to get this thing done, and hopefully this will be the start of some real positive action for the development.