6th March 2023 – Committee Meeting with Trinity Factors

Please follow this link to access the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th March in Gorgie Dalry Parish Church Hall with the Committee and Trinity Factors

The meeting was an opportunity for the committee and Trinity Factors to discuss development finances (2021/22 & 2022/2023), repairs, and the upcoming development survey for owners.

Your feedback or comments are welcome, please kindly address them by e-mail to the committee at committeegroup@sinclairresidents.onmicrosoft.com

30th November 2022 – AGM Minutes

The AGM Minutes are now available for the Sinclair Development Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 30th November in Gorgie Dalry Parish Church Hall.

The AGM focus was updates from the Committee, Trinity and to vote on the proposed motions.

Your feedback or comments are welcome, please kindly address them by e-mail to the committee at committeegroup@SinclairResidents.onmicrosoft.com

31st August 2022 – Committee Meeting with Trinity Factors

Minutes of the Committee meeting held on Wednesday 31st August 2022 in St Michael’s Parish Church are now available.

The meeting topics where Myreside, new committee IT solution, Sinclair Development Plan, and Trinity Update.

Your feedback or comments are welcome, please kindly address them by e-mail to the committee at committeegroup@SinclairResidents.onmicrosoft.com.

22nd February 2022 – Committee Meeting

Please follow this link to access the minutes of the Committee meeting held on Tuesday 22nd February in Gorgie Dalry Parish Church Hall.

The meeting topics were Myreside, creating a newsletter for residents, and starting to detail the 10-year plan for the Development.

Your feedback or comments are welcome, please kindly address them by e-mail to the committee at Committee@lists.sinclairresidents.org.uk

Myreside Management – Final Invoices

The much-delayed final invoices from Myreside, covering the period to 30th November, have now been issued and should arrive shortly.

Please check your invoice carefully and notify Myreside immediately of any discrepancies.

Instead of refunding the remaining float monies to individual owners, it appears that the balances are to be sent to Trinity Factors who will have to credit the funds to owners’ accounts with them. 

If you have already paid your Trinity Factors bill in full you will not receive a refund and the float monies will sit in your Trinity account until the end of their financial year when the budget for next year is issued.  If you pay by Standing Order you may have the opportunity to amend your payments once you see the remaining float monies have been credited to your Trinity account.

Myreside have advised that all queries should be directed to the committee – unfortunately the committee members have been given no more information than any other owners.

Please direct any complaints to Myreside. 

Complaints must be made by individuals as the committee cannot complain on behalf of owners: https://myreside-management.co.uk/statement-of-service/#complaints

Trinity Factors – Online Factoring Portal

Trinity’s online factoring portal is now live on their website. The portal will provide you with 24/7 access to your factoring account as well as information on your property and the Sinclair development.

Once registered, you will be able to view, download, and print invoices and make debit card payments towards your factoring account.

You’ll also be able to change your settings to receive correspondence by email rather than by post.

The homepage has the contact details for the Sinclair development Property Manager, should you need to get in touch about your property.

To register for access to the portal, you’ll need click on the ‘Factoring Login’ at the top of Trinity Factors website www.trinityfactors.co.uk and follow the instructions to register.

7th December 2021 – Committee Meeting with Trinity Factors

Please follow this link to access the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7th December in Gorgie Dalry Parish Church Hall with the Committee and Trinity Factors

The meeting was an opportunity for the committee and Trinity Factors to meet for the first time and discussions focussed on insurance, ongoing work required in the development, budget, and next steps.

Your feedback or comments are welcome, please kindly address them by e-mail to the committee at Committee@lists.sinclairresidents.org.uk

17th November 2021 – EGM Minutes

Please follow this link to access the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Wednesday 17th November in Gorgie Dalry Parish Church Hall.

The EGM focus was to appoint a new factor with effect from 1st December 2021 – Trinity Factors won the Owner vote and will be the Factor for the Sinclair Development.

Your feedback or comments are welcome, please kindly address them by e-mail to the committee at Committee@lists.sinclairresidents.org.uk